How Can I Think Blue
Stormwater pollution is the biggest threat to water quality in the City of San Diego. And every San Diegan can reduce pollution every day. Follow these eight tips and visit the Think Blue booth at an upcoming community event.
8 Ways to Reduce Your Pollution

Go Non-Toxic
Use organic or non-toxic fertilizers & pesticides. Don’t fertilize near ditches, gutters or storm drains.

Dispose Properly
Dispose of car oil and grease properly.

Clean Roof Gutters
Clear your roof gutters of debris so water can flow smoothly.

Pick Up The Poop
Properly dispose of all pet waste.

Conserve Water
Wash your car at a commercial wash instead of in your driveway or alley.

Use Native Plants
Consider incorporating native plants into your landscaping to absorb excess rainwater.

Use The Green Bin
Do not sweep leaves into the street or storm drain; instead, place yard clippings in appropriate waste containers.

Don’t Dump
Don’t dump household cleaners, paint products or motor oil on the ground – all paths lead to the ocean!

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